Jan 30, 2020

Week Updates - Bless

From my FB page.
Follow me on FB to get daily musik updates

This song is from Hameed Idowu 'Wazy' remixed by DK2 & mix-in to this remix by WPM.

Thanksgiving song by Nadia 'Ni Maombi'.

Official Video by Daddy Andre 'Folo Folo'

Music Video.

Ronnie Lee 'Mirror'

Olakira 'Aya Mi' Video mix-in with added visuals by WPM.

This song is remixed by Dj Pakx (Moombah RMX) Ojeyo. The visualizer is created by one & ONLY, WPM.

WPM MP3 selecta - Enjoy ☺😁

New release by Rudeboy(Chk my FB for VIDRudeboy - Take It.mp3

Jan 21, 2020

Jan 2020 Musik & Musik VID updates 💯💯🎶

Folo Folo me on FB to get daily musik & Musik Videos.

Frm ma FB page.

falgon_ft_tujah_all_about_you_prod_by_dj_flazmann_x_dj_qweenzy_x_kymvn. This is a concept VID that I created for this new Collaboration from above Vanuatu artists....Enjoy (Folo Me on FB)

mp3 - Hotz new Isimuki 2020 release 'Lokeh Mua Tataru.Visual video by WPM

mp3 - vj_awax_ft_mcbox_lolita_wysh_reggae. Official video mix-in to the remix by WPM.

mp3 - RMX Nixxo (is Chill) Remix 'Acrobat'. Official Video mix-in by WPM.

Some Musik VID u cannot get on FB.

This song from an Islander living in Auckland. Artist real name is Mapa Toutaiolepo a.k.a 'Maps' song title 'Take my love'. Song released 219, VID released on 14th Jan 2020. ...Check IT.

WPM - MP3 Jan 2020 Selecta.

(another of Mapa's song) MAPS`_Give Me Some.mp3 (no VID yet)